Arriving and Exiting the Studio:
Prompt arrival & pick-up are a must. Please arrive no more than 5 minutes prior to the start of class. Due to limited space in the Lobby, one parent/guardian is allowed in the Lobby during class time. Drop-off and pick up is welcome and appreciated. Please do not leave young children unattended before or after classes. If you need to contact the Studio, please call 978-453-0033 or e-mail
Please refrain from talking on cell phones in the Lobby and keep the waiting room noise to a minimum. Bathrooms are for Students & Staff only. Have all dancers use the bathroom prior to arrival at class. We are not responsible for lost or stolen items. Please leave your valuables at home and bring only the essentials!
Due to food allergies, Bravo! School of Dance is a Peanut Free School! Please no food or drink inside the waiting area or dance studio. Just water!
Snow Policy:
Please call the studio one hour before your scheduled class. If class is cancelled due to weather, a message will be left on the studio Voice Mail or check your e-mail, the studio Facebook Page and/or Website for notification. Classes cancelled due to snow can be made up within one month of cancellation by attending another dance class of the same or similar level. We do not offer refunds due to weather cancellation. In some cases, a virtual class option may be provided.
Holidays and Vacations:
The Dance School Calendar, informing you of when the studio is open and closed, is posted on the website or check the bulletin board located in the lobby for notification. View our Calendar.
Classroom Conduct:
Please show respect for your teachers and fellow dancers. No talking, touching, hanging on Ballet barres or gum chewing will be allowed in the classroom. Regular attendance and prompt arrival is appreciated. Please follow the Dress Code for each class. Cell phones are not allowed inside the classroom and must be set to silent in the lobby.
Parent Conduct:
Please be a good role model and keep it positive! Negative or inappropriate language and/or behavior inside and/or outside the studio, at studio events, and on Social Media will not be tolerated and may result in dismissal of both parent and/or student from Bravo! School of Dance. Please communicate concerns sooner rather than later by contacting the studio to make an appointment. Dance teachers are not to be interrupted before, during or in between classes. Every effort will be made to address your concerns in a timely manner.
Student & Parent Use of Social Media:
Use of Facebook, X, Instagram, LinkedIn, Snapchat, blogging and other social media outlets is commonplace. This policy is intended to provide Bravo! School of Dance parents and students guidelines for the use of social media.
Dropped Classes:
If a student drops a class, you are still responsible for that month’s tuition. To officially drop a class a parent must notify the Studio in writing via e-mail. Until an official Drop Class notification has been received, your account will continue to incur charges. All changes to Enrollment must be completed by the 1st of the month. No refunds or credits will be issued after the 1st of the month.
Right to Cancel:
Bravo! School of Dance reserves the right to cancel any class with low enrollment. A different class may be suggested. If you are unable to attend the suggested class(es) you will receive a refund for any unused tuition. This applies only to classes that Bravo! School of Dance may need to cancel.
Studio Liability:
Bravo! School of Dance and its instructors are not liable for personal injuries or illness occurring during class time, rehearsals, dance conventions, competitions or performances on or off the premises. Students and/or parents are individually responsible to inform the instructor or the studio of any physical limitations which may prevent full participation in studio activities. Upon Registration, acceptance of our updated Liability Waiver must be completed prior to beginning dance classes.
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